New Church Property |
While friends/family in the US are experiencing a cold winter, we are in the prime of summer, needing fans and a/c, with lots of summer showers. January has already started with a big bang for this 2014. For Tamba's birthday, she enjoyed having a Ladies' Tea (though only cold juices were served due to a 90 * F day), with a special message about the power of words. Since it is still summer vacation time, we've enjoyed different visitors stopping by. Jonathan has been busy helping the new Bible Camp caretakers (young couple who the wife is granddaughter of the previous caretakers) settle in. They remind us so much of our late Sr. Antonio and wife Vita.
New Caretakers for the Bible Camp |
Jonathan has also been preparing for the seminary classes he will be teaching starting next month. Our church finally sold their church property and purchased a more practical one to build on. We just contacted the architect with plans and will submit them to the city for approval. Hopefully we can start the construction in a couple of months! Needless-to-say, we are all excited! "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!" (Psalm 118:29a)