We recently spent four weeks (instead of the expected three/four days) in the capital, Freetown, to get our vehicle out of customs. Josh spent several days of those days working on computers, cellphones, etc. for our literacy and translation partners. We were overjoyed to get our car, drive home, and pull into our driveway! Even Elijah exclaimed "Home, home, home!"
Since we returned a week ago, we've had the pleasures of...
- "Running stomachs" for a few days.
- Driving the three minutes to the local hospital to check on July baby.
- Caring for a new puppy/watchdog and new bush kitty (both given to us unexpectedly).
- Practicing Themne in the neighborhood and meeting more neighbors.
- Worshipping at our village church in Romankeneh (15-minute drive and only Lutheran church in the Northern Province).
- Printing and distributing copies of Krio liturgy to the church in Romankeneh (not translated into Themne... yet!).
- Helping draft 2014 goals for Themne translation team.
- Finishing up end-of-the-year reports... Thank you for your generosity!
- Hearing the Muslim call to prayer nice and loud, several times a day... reminding us of the very few Christians in our neighborhood and a reason why we are here.
- Taking on the rough roads with our new vehicle