"He who promised is faithful." Heb. 10:23b
Paul and Becky Abel have always enjoyed working with youth, especially in a camp setting. They dreamed of one day having a camp of their own. In July of 1991, Paul eyed an advertisement for a farm for sale outside of the city. The ad mentioned a beautiful property with electricity, city water, phone, bus service, two small houses and a large rabbit barn. The following day they took a leisurely drive away from the busy city to a rural area with rolling hills and small farms. The property was picturesque and the view spectacular as they enjoyed taking a look at the little wooden cabin and small caretaker's cabin before touring the "eyesore" on the property - a large concrete rabbit barn - 160 ft. X 30 ft. As the real estate agent tried to take attention away from the barn, Paul and Becky were already imagining how the building could easily be transformed into a retreat center with dorms at each end and a chapel and dining hall in the middle. There was plenty of space for ball fields and woods galore for hiking on the 21-acre property. What a find! Only one problem - no money!
As they drove back to the city the agent explored their financial resources and soon discovered that the only remote possibility of closing a deal would be dependent on the sale of their home in the city. An hour later the agent appeared on their doorstep with the couple who owned the farm. After a quick tour of the house and property the husband consulted with his wife and promptly asked if the Abels would be willing to trade their home in the city for the farm. By the end of the afternoon the Abels were proud owners of a beautiful farm. Only God can orchestrate circumstances in such perfect precision!
Paul and Becky are very thankful for friends who loaned them funds to add on to the little house on the farm and six months later in January 1992 they moved to the country. They donated seven acres of land and the big concrete rabbit barn to the Free Lutheran work and established a non-profit organization called the ARCA. ARCA stands for Acampamento e Retiro Cristão da Associação which means Christian Camp and Retreat Center of the Association. The simple word "arca" in Portuguese means "ark" and is descriptive of the large camp building set into the wooded hillside. As God was faithful to Noah and all His people throughout history, He has been faithful in providing for all the needs of this developing ministry. During that first year the Lord moved in the hearts of many to miraculously provide for the transformation of the rabbit barn into a camp building. Donations and volunteers appeared regularly to complete the rustic camp building in time for a Free Lutheran Youth Convention in September 1992. 200 people gathered to praise God for His faithfulness in making a dream come true.
Since that first retreat many improvements have been made on the camp and several church groups have enjoyed the blessing of spending time at the retreat center. Thousands of lives are touched through this ministry every year as people get away from the distractions and busyness of everyday life and are immersed in the beauty of God's creation and in the teaching of His Word. The camp is fully equipped to host 120 people comfortably. It is used several times a year for Free Lutheran camps and retreats for children, teens, couples, and families. The remaining weekends are available for other evangelical churches to rent the facilities. As the Word of God is preached and taught souls have come into the Kingdom, and men and women have been called into deeper commitment to Jesus, and some have gone into full-time ministry.
Missionaries Paul and Becky Abel manage the camp as part of their church-planting ministry. The ARCA is a faith project, maintained by rental fees and volunteer contributions. The beautiful grounds and facilities are a testimony of His provision through many generous groups and individuals. In recent years a gymnasium was built which has increased the outreach of the camp ministry. A Brazilian couple, Carlos and Yara, work alongside the Abels in this ministry.