May 27, 2007 I take off for my third short-term mission trip to
Russia. My team and I will be teaching in one of the colleges in
Petrozavodsk, using the Bible as our curriculum. It is an exciting opportunity to share God’s Word openly in the classroom. For most, if not all of our students, this will be the first time they have heard the Gospel message. Between class and friendship evangelism we pray we will plant many seeds and see these young adults come to Christ.
Psalm 139:17-18 says
“How precious to me are your thoughts O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more that the sand. I awake, and I am still with you.” Each one of us is so precious to the Lord that His thoughts are more numerous than all the grains of sand in the world! I pray these young adults will come to know Christ and how incredibly precious they are to Him.
Please partner with me in prayer for these young adults we will be encountering in
Russia. Please pray for my team as missionaries to be strengthened in our daily walks with Christ, our witness about Jesus, and open to God’s leading in our lives. Please pray for our students; pray that they would have a desire to hear and learn about God and openness to His Word. Please pray for
Russia, for God’s hand in its government, and encouragement for Christians there.
I return June 10, 2007 please pray for safe flights there and back. Please pray for good health for me and my team. Please pray for God’s protection through customs and travel in
In Christ,
Naomi Andrews