"Avail yourself of the greatest privilege this side of heaven. Jesus Christ died to make this communion and communication with the Father possible."
Billy Graham
Billy Graham
Brother Salvador took us to a store to find a friend of his who wasn't there, but we had a great time sharing the Gospel with the store owner.
From there to some more friends who began to gather, we had five of them. We first tried the cd in Totonaco that I made. And it worked great! We gave Salvador all 11 of them so that he could pass them out. Afterward, we carefully shared the Gospel with them, and all of them came to Jesus! They say there are twelve smaller towns that circle Huehuetla, all without evangelical churches. One has a few Jehovah,s witnesses, but they say no one listens to them because they don't recognize the name "Jehovah." But the name of Jesus is like a key that opens doors wide open. Do continue to pray for this opportunity, it would be a great mission station to reach many towns yet unreached with the Gospel.
The funeral service in Zacapoaxtla was awesome. Brother Pablo did a wonderful job on his first time. He was clearly, evidently filled with the Holy Spirit, preaching to the living to come to Jesus to have the same assurance of forgiveness of sins and entrance into heaven as did brother Braulio who left us. Thank you so much for your prayers. I wish you could be here to experience how God is answering them.
Thanks for "availing yourself of the greatest privilege this side of heaven" with us, your fellow workers,
Darwin, Mary Ann and Gracie Jackson