I got to share with a Muslim while we were showing the Jesus film today. He didn’t accept Jesus into his heart, but I was able to ask him some good questions and give him my Swahili Bible.
Our normal schedule for church ̈programs̈ is this. Introduction, Songs, The Clock Skit, Testimonies, The Word of God and then movie time. We have gotten the great privilege to be the first to share the Jesus film in Iraqw. It was just recently translated, and I can see the difference when everyone can understand the life of Jesus in their native language.
Speaking of language, translating has been going very well. The work I thought I would be doing, is different than the actual work I'm doing here. More than just translating, I've been helping the team adjust to the new culture and I just ̈took up preaching̈ as Pastor Alex said. I don't know about that though..
The people on team A ( the team I’m on ) are: Ben Jore Jesse Long Jared Langness Kayla Russum Heather Kohler
We have learned allot from the people here. As I've probably already said many times, the openness to the bible here is incredible! Everyone will listen to you as long as you have time to talk. Time for sleep and prayer has been a little hard to get a hold of due to the packed schedule but everyone seems to be holding up well. Everyone was a little nervous about the food when we left, but by the grace of God, everyone loves the food, and we haven’t had any ̈bad experiences̈ with meat… yet.
Dad’s theory remains true to this day. Every time we show the Jesus film, we always encounter problems, but every time we still show it, and many come to Christ. Last night we were at a secondary school, we had finished our songs and testimonies, and when it came time to power up the projector for the movie. The power inverter blew! Even though we had 250 kids waiting for us for about an hour. God provided a way, and we were able to find a power converter, so we were able to use the wall outlets. Africa is ripe unto the harvest! God Bless!