In case this does not hold everyone’s attention to the very end, I will get right to the main point: On July 24th, I will be going to Tanzania, East Africa for what could turn into a very long time…please pray for me!
Now I will tell the longer version for those that are interested…
As many of you likely know, in September of 2005, I accepted a job at LEKTRO, Inc. here in Astoria, OR. Since that time, I have been working as a sales consultant, selling the highest quality, towbarless aircraft tow vehicles available in the world today. If there is anything a person could want in a job, I have it. God has blessed me with a wonderful Christian
boss, great co-workers, the best housing arrangement a person could ask for, a fabulous vehicle to drive, good pay, and opportunities for travel, multi-cultural interaction, and even ministry.
Several months ago, however, I began to feel like God was leading me towards seminary. As a result, I began the application process and anticipated beginning classes in Minneapolis, MN on September 6th.
All this began to change on April 22nd when I received an email from Ben Jore. Ben is a graduate of our Free Lutheran Bible School and more recently of Northwestern Christian College with a major in Biblical Studies. He is also son of missionaries to Brazil and currently working with his church youth group as well as serving as Dorm Assistant at the Free Lutheran Bible School. In this email, Ben asked if I would consider going as a ministry partner with him in response to an invitation he received from Waama Bible Institute in Tanzania.
It is important to understand at this point that much of East Africa, including Tanzania, is currently experiencing a revival that has resulted in explosive church growth. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases, the only people available to lead these new churches are themselves merely infants in the faith. In fact, few can even read. On occasion, pastors/leaders are selected simply on the basis of literacy, not spiritual maturity. Waama Bible Institute is seeking to meet this desperate need and we have the chance to support them. The Church in Tanzania needs our help so it can grow strong in the truth.
Despite the reality of the need, however, I honestly hoped this opportunity would just go away or God would somehow close the door or call someone else. With every passing day, seminary sounded much more appealing. After all, it was predictable…structured…civilized. Yet, I decided that if God presented me with such an opportunity, He must want me to at least consider it. As I thought, prayed, and sought counsel for this decision, God impressed on me very clearly, through His Word, that this was a call He intended for me to answer.
While there are still many unknowns, much apprehension, and plenty of logical reasons not to go, I have never felt such a strong and clear call from God and I know He is making the way clear before us.
While we anticipate taking advantage of many opportunities, Ben and I have three primary objectives:
- Teaching at Waama Bible Institute (English, Computer, Bible…as we progress in our Swahili skills)
- Film Ministry - Traveling to villages showing the Jesus film and The Passion of the Christ.
- Assist in establishing/refining online format of seminary classes offered through AFLC World Missions. (This is being established particularly for those in Tanzania,Uganda, and India who do not have the ability to travel to the U.S. for study.)
- Are able to make all necessary preparations in the limited time we have left.
- Have a supernatural ability with Swahili – we will be at language school in Tanzania from Aug. 20 to Oct. 1
- Find an available/reliable truck to purchase…at a price we can afford.
- Remain physically healthy. Special prayer would be appreciated as I manage my diabetes. If God just wanted to heal me, that would be fine, too.
- Never lose sight of our dependence on God in all of this.
- Maintain our faith and faithfulness regardless of how God may change our plans or what He may call us to during this time…especially those things we may not be expecting.
- John Wesley said, “Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on earth.” So, finally, pray that God would make us part of such a number and that we would always remember that as
For those interested in helping with the financial aspect of this ministry, here is a summary of our basic, currently known needs:
- $5-7,000 for a truck to use in village film ministry
- $1200 each for our 6-week language school
- $600-700 for solar panels (our primary source of electricity while at Waama)
- $800/ea per month for basic living expenses (fuel, food, housing, etc.)
- $1000 for a generator to enable village showings of the Jesus Film
For those interested in receiving regular news/prayer updates, please subscribe by sending an email to jesseprayerlist-subscribe@lukelong.com. To send any general email correspondence, write to my normal address: jesse@thelonghome.com
Thank you in advance for your support, thoughts and prayers. May God richly bless each one of you for the blessing you have been in my life and for the part you will play in this ministry.
Nothing without Him,