We came to the end of our strength emotionally, mentally and physically by about the 5th day. We took our emptyness to the Lord and he gave us great strength to finish the race strong. We had planned two places per day, but we visited between 4 and 6 places almost every day.
Now we will have two days of rest in Mbulu and then a visit to the Serengetti before a day in Arusha.
These guys will have so many stories to share about life here such as roads, foods, bathrooms, and cultural differences.
We have even more stories to share about the spiritual work that the Lord has been doing. People have been coming to know the Lord in great numbers. They have been seeing the Jesus film for the first time in their own language. The churches that received help to put roofs on their buildings have finished that work and pass on TONS of thanks. We have seen Bible School students from our year here working in the churches in nearly every place we have been.
However the work that the Lord has been doing in our lives is probably greater than the work that He has been doing through our lives. We have been SO humbled to watch the Tanzanians serve us when we came to serve them. We have seen the joy of the Lord in their hearts even in the midst of trials. We have grieved with some that have lost family members. We have worshiped with people for literally hours. One church wanted to thank us for the gift for their roof so much that they sent two people by bicycle for a full day just to give us a letter of thanks, a report of how the money was used and a small gift. We talked for about 10 minutes, and then they returned the whole distance again.
Yesterday team Kevin went to three worship services and then showed the movie at night. Some of us got back after midnight again.
Team Andrew has been visiting the schools and the students have been VERY enthusiastic.
People have asked the students where they learned swahili because they have been reading their testimonies so well. The people have loved the clapping Jesus loves me song because we ask them to clap along with us. The cooks have loved the swahili food blessing song. It is quite amazing how well the communication has gone.
We can now help Jesse and Ben get ready for their longer stay. They are looking forward to continue the same ministry that we have started and they have met many important contacts in these short days of ministry.
Pray for Ben and Jesse and for us as we recover our strength over the next few days. We love all of you and we are looking forward to seeing you back home again.
Serving our Savior,
Pastor Kevin Olson