Before leaving Waama, we were also able to participate in a meeting with the principal and other teachers to discuss the upcoming term and decide who will be responsible for teaching what classes. Ben and I will be continuing with many of our same classes (guitar, keyboard, sports education, and computer); however, we will be teaching new Bible courses. As you may recall, we were responsible for teaching the book of Philippians this first term. We will be teaching 1 & 2 Thessalonians as well as 1 John during this second term. It is definitely going to be more of a load but we are looking forward to it. Ben and I are planning on being back in Mbulu on January 6th but we will see when we actually get started with classes. The plan is to spend the first week doing the first-term finals which we were preempted by the corn planting.
So, for now, it is fun to be able to spend this time visiting Nate, Rhoda and the boys and see how well they are settling in to their new home, ministry, etc. We are also excited about celebrating Christmas in a home with a reasonable-sized Christmas tree! ☺ Today, Ben and I went to the market and got our Christmas shopping done and now we are watching the boys so Nate and Rhoda can get some things done in town.
Yesterday, as a Christmas gift to ourselves, Ben, Nate and I had a day of class-5 whitewater rafting down the
So basically, I just wanted to send you all a final Christmas greeting. May it be a great time for you all and I pray the New Year ahead be full of all God’s best.
Keep up the good work no matter where God has placed you.
Merry Christmas from here to there…
In Him,
Jesse Long