We have all taken turns battling intestinal bacterial infections this past week and a half and everyone has just about fully recovered. It hasn't been easy to watch our little guys get so sick, but they have impressed us with how well they've handled it. Don't feel that your prayers for our physical health have been in vain. In everything we pray, we conclude by saying "not my will, but Yours be done." In this case I believe it was the Lord's will for us to endure hardship as already we can see how He has used it to teach us to trust in Him more. In dealing with sickness it is so easy to be "scientific" in our thinking and to leave God out of the picture. We have been reminded of those around us who don't have money to see the doctor or buy medicine. Their only option is to pray and trust the Lord. Shouldn't we who do have money to see the doctor also learn to pray and trust the Lord? It has been a good lesson for us. Also, we have seen a new maturity and tender spirit emerge in Elijah. He is learning about God being our Great Healer and he is learning the importance of laying hands on each other and praying for healing when we're sick.
An update on Sarah and Tomboni…
We have not seen Tomboni for several weeks now because the security company we hired from rotates their guards, which we were not aware of until a different guard showed up after Tomboni had been with us for a week. However, the guard that we've had for the past few weeks has not been reliable (Nate caught him sleeping on the job a few times) so Nate visited the security company today and requested that they send Tomboni to us again. Continue to pray for his salvation and for opportunities for us to share Christ with him!
Sarah and I have had several good conversations about faith and family and life. The other day she mentioned that her husband is a Christian, which was a surprise! (She is a Muslim) It has become apparent to us that she is not a very devout Muslim though. The other day, she and I were washing and drying dishes together and she said casually, "I think that I will very soon become a Christian because now my father is no longer living and he was the one that was so against me converting." Please pray that her decision would not just be a matter of "changing religions", but that she would truly believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that she would desire to know and obey God.
We pray that you will each be blessed as you celebrate this time of Jesus' birth with your loved ones.
In gratefulness,
Rhoda (for Nate too)