Dietrich Bonhoeffer
One of our goals before our home assignment begins in April is to unite our churches in such a way that they can help build up and encourage one another as well as work together to evangelize and make disciples. This will be a continuing theme for prayer in the months to come. Pray especially for Juan V., Lupe. C. and me as we meet together to pray, strategize and work toward this goal. Pray for a conference to be held here in Sinaloa as well.
Pray for Genaro and I as we begin Evangelism Explosion training and making evangelistic visits on Fridays. Also for Ismael and I to begin visitation in campo Ceuta.
Pray for Paul Gossman's group of youth from Trinity Bible Collage (formerly the Lutheran Bible Institute in Seattle) as they study and practice language training for a couple of weeks.
Thank you for your "purest form of fellowship" as we work together to win and make disciples here in Mexico. Your fellow workers,
Darwin, Mary Ann and Gracie Jackson
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
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