Merry Christmas!! Is time flying by for everyone, or is it just me?! As I sit in our house here on campus, it is Friday afternoon (12/08) and the week ahead is already our last week of classes for this term!! Honestly, it has been a great time. Things just seem to be getting better as far as classes are concerned. In the practical classes like guitar, keyboard, and computer it is easy to see progress and in Philippians (which is the only Bible class we are responsible to teach), well…I just love it more every day…I don’t know if that is exactly how the students feel but I have sure been getting a lot out of it!
In class today, we covered the topic of ‘peace’ - peace with God, peace with others, and peace despite circumstances. My favorite section from the chapter is Philippians 4:6-7 (this was actually the section we had the students memorize from this chapter). It says, “Msijisumbue kwa neno lo lote; bali katika…” oh, sorry. Now in English, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. AND THE PEACE OF GOD, WHICH SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING, WILL GUARD YOUR HEARTS AND YOUR MINDS IN CHRIST JESUS.” Wow. I will just let you think on that for a while…ok, if you want more, read Ephesians 3:13-22. It is real cool, too.
By way of more general update, did I tell you that Ben and I have also been put in charge of sports education? Basically, we coordinate, organize, and try to train during sports time. There are only three, one-hour, “sports” times per week, though, so they pretty much just end up being game time. Even so, it seems to be really good for everyone.
So, anyway, I guess they have done a lot of volleyball in the past but had loaned the net out to another group and were having some difficulties getting it back. Well, Ben and I thought maybe it was best to do something that THEY really want to do ;) and since we wouldn’t mind playing some volleyball every now and then either, we got a “back-up” net the last time we were in Arusha. Then, this past week, with the help of one of the other teachers and some students we got some nice “poles” (small trees), buried them real good, and set up the best net within hundreds of kilometers. (By the way, the other net has not yet been seen.) So I probably shouldn’t be making such a big deal about it, but we thought it was pretty cool and the students really liked their early Christmas present, too.
On a more serious note, the tractor was out today doing the initial plowing of some of the fields. We have received a lot of rain lately but it has dried out enough in the last couple days for the tractor to be out there. After this initial cultivating, the rest will be done by hand. I don’t think we will get it all done before everyone heads out for the holidays but they want to get a start on it, anyway.
For Ben and I, Christmas this year is going to be a little different…well, if that wasn’t stating the obvious….anyway, we are hoping to head for Arusha on Saturday, December 16, then catch a bus from there to Uganda the next day. We are very excited to spend Christmas with Ben’s older brother, Nate, and his family who arrived in
As far as items for prayer, I just got an email this past week from the people working with immigrations on our behalf saying that for some reason our paperwork for residency is being held up. I am not sure what exactly the deal is but I passed the issue along to those here that know what is going on and am just praying for a miracle. It is one of those things that would be nice to have all worked out before we make the trip to
Keep the prayers going with regards to a car, too. We have had a lot of potential leads, all of which have fallen through. All we can do is trust that the best one for us will become available in God’s perfect time. We have heard of one that we are supposed to be able to see this week…I will let you know if it actually happens. So far, we have only been able to see one other truck in person. Unfortunately, the person selling it then decided they were going to hang on to it for now. The word on the street is that four-door Toyota pick-ups (like we are looking for) are supposed to be getting harder to find all the time and more expensive too, but we just keep trusting and doing what we can. I have probably said this before but I really think we are getting close now. Thanks again for continued prayers!
One more thing: we appreciate any prayers as we give finals this week. Pray for the students, too. Pray also that God would bless the time they will have at home for the holidays after several months away from their families.
Ok, well, I think I have gone on long enough for this time around. You all are a blessing to me in so many ways. Thanks to those who have written notes, called, texted, or sent packages. You all are too much! God bless you this holiday season and in the New Year ahead.
With love from
PS – I am also including a picture of me with our new ‘Jesus’ film sound system for those of you who have not been on our blog (www.benandjesse.blogspot.com) lately. The little speakers in front are what we previously used…believe it or not, it’s quite the improvement. ☺