I write to give you all an update of the Lord's work. In the month of November and part of December, we visited three different homes in three different neighborhoods of Obregon. We passed out 4000 different tracts such as, The History of Christmas and Four Things God Wants You to Know. We also passed out 200 New Testaments. We took time to talk to people, answering questions about the tracts. It reminded me about the eunuch asking the Apostle Phillip if he could help him to make sense of what he was reading.
We are ending another year of life and in the Lord's work. I consider myself an unworthy servant for it says in Luke 17:10 "So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, we are unworthy servants; we have done our duty."

To all the congregations of our beloved AFLC and to all our dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, this is our desire, Have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
From your dear brothers in Christ, Gabriel and Virginia, our prayer is this, "May the blessings of the Father, of the Son, and the Holy Spirit be with you all." Thanks be to God for permitting us to have another year in His work.
God Be with You All,
Gabriel & Virginia Mercado
Translated by Pastor Ted Kennedy