It is a very warm and humid day here in
India. Ministry has been fantastic with many preaching opportunities besides the two classes each day that I taught. We are now trying to get ready to leave as major complications have arisen with the airlines.
The excuse has been that the fog is too great to fly in or out of the airport, but there is only a slight haze. Two speakers on creation science were also here and they were delayed with extra days in hotels and rebooking their flights. the one was from Bulgaria and he had limited funds. We have decided to take two vans to Hyderabad Monday at 10 am to catch our international flight. This is about 300 miles but should take 12 hours. thankfully, one of the leaders here who normally lives in Dallas, TX is coming along with us.
Please continue to pray for our travels. For those who can pass this message on to others, please help by doing so. Many thanks.
In Christ,
Tim Skramstad