The Pastoral Training Team left this morning for India. The team will train pastor's in the AFLC of India. The team consisted of Del and Karen Palmer, Jim and Linda Fugleberg, David Johnson (Alabama) and Jerry Peterson. The classes for this year will include Doctrine of God and Man, The Book of Acts, General Epistles and Hebrews and Catechetics. The ladies traveling with the team will be in charge of teaching the women and children.

The team will be bringing a gift from the people people of the AFLC to repair the roof of the church in Etheru. This church suffered major damage in November when a cyclone went through the area. Our churches in the US, along with AFLBS raised nearly enough to complete the project in the last 30 days. Thank you for your generosity.
The team will arrive on January 28 and will return on February 11. Please be in prayer for the team.