I had prayed that the Lord would pick us up off the ground in Mpls. and hold us in the palm of His hand, gently placing us down again in
We had a wonderful trip, arriving in
We enjoyed sleeping in our own bed again and waking up to the birds singing and the breeze blowing through our open windows in the morning. Saturday we had visitors in and out the whole day. At lunch time we enjoyed the traditional “churrasco” (barbeque) and beans and rice in our picnic area with a bunch of people who spent the weekend at the ARCA. That sure was a treat after being away for seven months! In the afternoon Joanna and Silvio and Deborah along with several other family friends gathered at our place. Granddaughter Deborah is cuter than we could have imagined. She is having a little trouble realizing that we are more than a picture on the refrigerator, but soon we will be an integral part of each other’s lives. In the evening we had yet another party (fish fry) with all the young people and several couples from our Bateias church. Our Brazilian friends have been so warm and welcoming and it’s wonderful to be back home again!
Sunday we were in church almost all day. Andrew really enjoyed playing drums in the morning service and guitar in the evening service. The boys are happy to be reunited with their friends. The traditional New Year’s Eve gathering was held at the ARCA Sunday night with much praise and worship, several testimonies and special presentations, prayer and a meaningful Communion service. We are trying to unpack and get settled, but so far we have mostly been entertaining visitors. It’s a holiday so that’s a perfect reason for taking a drive to the ARCA to visit friends. Andrew went frog-hunting tonight and Matthew has been in bed all day with a terrible stomach flu.
Tomorrow we hope to get more settled before church services at night. Then Wednesday VBS starts in both churches – Bateias in the mornings and Campo Largo in the afternoons. Our people are to be congratulated for their dedication and perseverance in ministry. It’s fun to witness people taking on new challenges and doing a great job! I’ll try to write more later to fill you in on life in
May the Lord continue to bless us and use us for His glory as we begin another year of life lived in His presence! Happy New Year !
Love in Jesus,
Paul and Becky