Life has continued to go very well here in Tanzania. The second term here at Waama finished a week before Easter. It was a very good, but long semester. Both Jesse and I were exhausted by the end. We had shown the Jesus Film at a different place almost every weekend. We took the first week of our Easter Break to do two Jesus Film showings. One was a regular multi-village trip. The other was at a region-wide Youth Rally. Jesse and I were also given the sermon slot in the opening session. We taught about 800 youth the Roman's Road. It was a nice way to finish out the term.
We then had about a week of Easter Break left. We decided that we should go to Zanzibar. It was a good choice. The warm, blue-green ocean, white-sand beaches, the palm trees, and a couple rented motorcycles proved to be therapeutic. It was a much needed chance to get away and recoup. We came back to Waama, ready to tackle our third and final term. Classes were supposed to start on April 17, but by the 20th, only 10 of the 45 students had returned from Easter Break. We still don't have all the students back as of the 23rd, but we have started classes none-the-less. We have a very busy schedule again this term. All of our weekends are booked, most with Jesus Film trips. We are also teaching full-time during the week. This term we are teaching I Timothy, Daniel, Computer, English, Guitar, and Keyboard.
Jesse and I are also looking forward to this summer. We have been invited to go to Uganda for 3.5 weeks for a Jesus Film showing campaign. We will be working with my brother, Nate, and his family and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Uganda. A team of 5 from the US will be coming over for that time and we are hoping to show the Jesus Film about 20 times during that trip! We are excited to see what the Lord will do through that ministry.
Thanks to all for your prayers! Just a couple of days ago we heard a story that again reminded us of God's hand of protection over us. One of our coworkers had traveled to Arusha (nearest big city which we visit frequently) to buy a solar panel. The morning after he arrived, he went to the store. On the way, he was robbed at gunpoint. When he reported it to the police, they said that he was lucky to come out alive as a couple of people were shot and killed during a robbery the day before. Who knows how many times your prayers have spared us from unknown dangers.
God bless you,