Monday, April 30, 2007

Darwin Jacksons on Furlough

"God hold us to that which drew us first, when the Cross was the attraction, and we wanted nothing else."
Amy Carmichael

Amy prayed that prayer when she overheard some first-class passengers on a ship comment that a missionary has "a very good time," in other words, they've got it easy.

We had great fellowship with our new friends at Grace Free Lutheran in Vally City North Dakota. We left that afternoon to make our way to Washington. We made it as far as Dickinson Montana. There we learned that Mary Ann's mom had fallen and sprained her foot so that she couldn't walk, on top of the news that she has cancer. So I put the girls on a plane the next afternoon (which was no small miracle) from Dickinson to San Diego so that they could take care of her, and I kept driving to WA. Pray that Mary Ann and Gracie will have God's peace, wisdom and grace to minister and be ministered to as they help there in San Diego.

I have spent the week so far getting reacquainted with lots of dear brethren that we've known since we came to Christ in 1989. They have treated me like a king, with food, lodging, even the keys to their car if I so need. Washington is all a-bloom with leaves and flowers, sooooo soft on the eyes. A super contrast to that of Mexico's dusty brown trash infested cement covered environment we become accustomed to. It would be easy to seek "the good life" of all this beauty and friendship. So, I can relate to Amy's prayer, "God hold us to that which drew us first."

I'll be at Atonement Free Lutheran Church in Arlington tomorrow for their annual mission fair. Do pray God has His way amongst us, and that many would be "attracted to the Cross, and want nothing else."

Your fellow workers,

Darwin, Mary Ann and Gracie Jackson

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8