Happy Easter, dear friends & family,
Just wanted to ask you all to pray for Elijah. I (Rhoda) took him into the clinic this morning for a malaria test because he'd had a high fever since the night before. He tested positive so they prescribed some medication for him to take over the next 4 days. Nate called while I was there saying he thought Judah might also have it as he was running a fever.
He was scheduled to preach this morning, so I called a friend to come & stay with Elijah at the house while I took Judah in. I got tested as well just in case, but our tests both came back negative. Elijah's fever steadily got higher as the day progressed, despite our giving him his 1st dosage of medicine, as well as acetaminophen. When his temp got up to 104 under his arm, I called another missionary in town who's a nurse asking her advice. She came over promptly with a home malaria test kit, ibuprofen & juice. She tested Elijah again & it came out negative. She then checked his ears & throat & they were both a bit pink so she wondered if he simply had some kind of viral infection that needed to run its course. She recommended staying on the malaria medication just in case her test wasn't showing positive because he was in the early stages of it. She said to call her again if his fever continues to stay high or if he begins to complain of a sore throat.
Regardless of what he has, would you pray for him? He's had some pretty low moments today, but has been a trooper. We hate to see our little guy suffer, but we take comfort in the fact that God is in control. We'll keep you posted.
Thanks for standing with us.
In Him,
Rhoda & the boys