Turns out that Elijah does not have malaria! His fever has stayed consistently high these last few days, only going down when we've given him medicine. His temp got up to 104.8 under his arm last night which was concerning.
The missionary nurse, Evelyn, who has been helping us took Elijah and me to the clinic again this morning to run a few more tests. She thought it might be some kind of bacterial infection but wanted to make sure before putting him on antibiotics. Everything looked normal, so she concluded that it's simply a virus that needs to run its course. She suspects roseola, but we won't know for a few days since a rash typically breaks out after 4-5 days of high fever.
I don't think we'd be as concerned about a high fever in our boys if we were in the States, but being that we're in a country where there are myriads of serious illnesses and diseases floating around, we're a bit more alert to the potential dangers.
Please continue to pray! Please pray not only that Elijah would recover and heal soon, but that we wouldn't give in to fear. As we said before, it is a great comfort to know that God is in control.
In Him,
Rhoda & the boys