We appreciate all your prayers for Elijah last week! His fever broke on Thursday night & he's been regaining his strength ever since. Today he was back to his usual energetic self which was wonderful. He didn't break out in a rash after his fever broke, so we've ruled out Roseola as the virus he had. We're sure it was a virus, but not sure which virus it was. We are thankful it wasn't malaria.
Elijah has been learning to share, but we were hoping he wouldn't share his sick germs with his little brother. Unfortunately, Judah came down with it yesterday. His fevers haven't been as high yet as Elijah's were, and we're praying that he won't be hit as hard as Elijah was. We gave him a malaria test this morning to rule that out & thankfully it was negative. We'd appreciate your prayers as he battles whatever this is.
Nate spent the night in a village a few hours away this past Saturday night and then preached the following morning at our church in Nairika. There were 120 people there & half of them were kids! (most of the churches average less than 20 per Sunday) There were also 11 baptisms that morning - 8 kids & 3 adults. It was exciting for Nate to see the spiritual hunger amongst the people there.
Thank you for your prayers!
Nate, Rhoda, Elijah & Judah