Please pray for Dr. Francis Monseth who has been hospitalized for heart related problems. He is recovering well after the insertion of stints. Dr. Monseth was honored at Heritage Hall Wednesday November 22, to celebrate his 65th birthday.

Dr. Monseth has been a great encouragement to missions over the years. He has traveled to many of our mission fields including Brazil, India and Uganda.
In the early ninty's Dr. and Mrs. Monseth took a sabbatical from his position as Dean of AFLTS to teach on the mission field in Eastern Europe with EEMN.
With the exception of Connely Dyrud, all of our ordained missionaries have sat under the teaching of Dr. Monseth at AFLTS.

Dr. Monseth has been a great encourager of the Distance Education project promising to give his wisdom and guidance as it is developed.
Most recently the Monseths have given up their daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren to be AFLC missionaries in Uganda.
The World Mission Department thanks God for Dr. Monseth and the many ways he has promoted missions.