Phillips Brooks
Looks like we'll be pulling out of Nogales on Wednesday at the crack of dawn. We've had some great times studying with brother Casimilo and Gumersindo in Mascarenas, as well as with the congregation in Buenos Aires (both in Nogales). We've been able to do some scouting as well in new areas of Nogales that are really growing. There are good opportunities now for planting new churches, Nogales Sonora has now surpassed five hundred thousand people. Do pray "for powers equal to our tasks."
On one of our visits, we shared the Gospel with five men under a tree, two were drinking, but I believe the Spirit of God was calling them out. Pray that God would give an open door into some of the homes in the area to begin inviting others to come and follow Christ. We'll meet with Pastor Antonio tonight for the last time before we leave to talk about following up and continuing the work in the area while we're gone.
Thank you all for your continuing prayers,
Darwin, Mary Ann and Gracie Jackson
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8