Do you have beautiful feet?
We’ve been traveling to many churches during our home service sharing a challenge with God’s people to be involved in bringing the GOOD NEWS of salvation and life in Jesus to those who do not know Him as Lord and Savior.
We’ve seen over and over again how unpredictable life on earth can be. Our only true certainty in this life and in the life to come is our life in Christ. The Apostle Paul encouraged the Philippians with this command “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ.” Phil 1:27 We do not know what will happen to us in the tomorrows of life, but if we are conducting ourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel (no matter what happens) we will have beautiful feet as we live for Jesus and share Him with others.
What is FURLOUGH? Some people think missionaries on furlough are on vacation. In some ways, we are. We travel a lot (11,700 miles so far), visit our friends, eat special meals and get a break from our normal work on the mission field. On the other hand, we are working as we go, representing the cause of World Missions and raising interest and support for the work that lies ahead of us. It is tiring, yet terrific. We miss our work and friends back in Brazil, yet we love renewing friendships and having a part in the ministry in local congregations here. During our furlough we are visiting over 75 churches and many of our supporters. In addition to the church presentations we have done many private showings of our Power Point presentation. We sleep in different beds almost every night and are on our way to a new place the next day. Our only regret is not being able to spend more time developing relationships in each place. Thanks to each one of you who has so graciously received us and refreshed us along the way!
Any church interested in having a free copy of our narrated 15-minute CD mission PowerPoint presentation please contact Wanda at the AFLC World Missions Office.
Paul and Becky Abel