Our house is starting to feel more like home as we are slowly purchasing furniture & necessities. We now have a table which we can eat our meals on. It was fun for awhile though to eat our meals on a mat on the floor (Elijah LOVED it). We also have a bed & a desk and a few shelves. And we just had curtains made at the market the other day - they sure add a lot. Each day we've had different people from the church body here (the ELCU) come by to take us shopping or to help us get settled in some way. We have felt so embraced by them & we love them already. Each day we make our list of what we should get done and where we need to go & it's fun at the end of the day to see what actually took place. We are learning to be flexible!! We are leaning to welcome visitors into our home at all hours of the day, but we will need to set some boundaries in the future to preserve time for our family & for rest (Please pray for us on that!).

As of this morning, we now have a lady coming to help with the household each day (a huge praise!). We don't have a washer & dryer, so laundry itself takes a lot of time each day. Also, the red dirt here sticks to everything & is tracked in by the boys all day long, so sweeping & mopping the floors is another time-consuming daily task. Cooking is another daily adventure w/ no convenience foods, microwave or fridge. SO, we are grateful for the help! Please pray for the lady who is helping us. Her name is Sarah, she is 21 years old & has a 5 year old son, Jamil. Her husband works in the capital, Kampala, and is only able to come home every other weekend. She actually lives in one of the sheds on our property as well, so it is handy to have her nearby. I do not yet know if she is a believer. Also, we have just hired a guard to watch our place at night as robbery is a great threat to mzungu's ("white people"). His name is Tomboni & he is a young man. Please pray for him as well. Nate has gone out to talk with him each evening when he comes & is working on developing a relationship with him.

It is hard to know what to write to give you a picture of our lives here... this seems like just a tiny dent. We are hoping to put pictures on our blog soon so you can better visualize life here.
Thank you again for your support. You are a wonderful team!!! We pray God's blessings on each of you.
Serving Him together with you,
Nate, Rhoda, Elijah & Judah