On October 30, classes finally started. Jesse and I have been asked to teach English, Computer, Philippians, Guitar, and Keyboard! The biggest challenge is teaching in Swahili! I don't think there has been a time when we have felt totally adequate for the job, but God's grace is helping us through.
We have also had the privilege of doing ministry on the weekends when school is not in session. We usually go to one of the students' home-churches and show the Jesus Film. Sometimes we even get to preach or share a testimony. We have enjoyed this ministry and see it as a means of encouraging the local congregations and their ministries.
Continued Need for Prayer
The longer we are here in Tanzania, the clearer we realize our tremendous need for prayer. Prayer is not only essential to the work here, it is the major part of the work here. The battle is won or lost by prayer. Prayer is a great way for anyone to get involved in the work here without even needing to move! Here are some things you can pray about:
Praise God...
- ... for also calling Jesse to this ministry. He's already a great friend and brother.
- ... for bringing us to the point where we have now started teaching at Waama.
- ...that thousands of people have seen and heard the Gospel since our arrival.
- ...for providing a great financial and prayer team. Thanks!
- ... us to find a reliable vehicle to buy for transportation and ministry needs.
- ... Jesse and I as we continue to learn Swahili and understand African culture.
- ... the ministry opportunities we have at Waama and the churches in the area.
- ... God's continued blessing upon Waama Bible College as they try to provide quality training for lay pastors while keeping expenses low.
Thank you for your partnership in the ministry
in Tanzania. May God richly bless you,
Ben Jore
For gifts (tax-deductible), send to:
AFLC World Missions Department, 3110 E Medicine Lake
Blvd., Plymouth, MN 55441-3008 (include for Ben Jore on memo line)
Mailing address: Ben Jore, c/o Waama Bible College,
PO Box 50, Mbulu, Tanzania, East Africa
Website: http://benandjesse.blogspot.com/
E-mail: ben_jore@kastanet.org