Let me officially greet you from Uganda as Rhoda has written the updates up to this point. It already feels like we have lived here for a long time and that this is home. The Lord has been very near these past two weeks as we have transitioned into this new life. I am usually pretty steady emotionally, but this past week I have felt the whole range of emotions - from fear, aloneness, and despair, to excitement, victory, and joy.
On Tuesday I had an informal meeting with five of the pastors (one from here in Jinja and the other four from Iganga district to the east of us). It was an encouraging time to get better acquainted and to understand the ministry better. I shared with them that I feel my primary calling is to train faithful men who will then train others. I was very pleased to discover that several of the pastors have been mentoring young men in the congregations and grooming them to serve as pastors. Pastor Sospeter has begun two churches and trained assistants in each of them and has now moved on to work with a third congregation. There is incredible potential here and the people are eager to grow and spread the gospel. We also decided on Tuesday that we would begin meeting every Saturday at 10am (1am central time) beginning this coming Saturday. Our plan is to study through the Book of Acts in an effort to see how the early church grew and to use that as our model for ministry here. This is it! The opportunity to train faithful men! Would you pray for great wisdom for me as I study the Scriptures and relate to this culture. Please pray for the pastors: Sospeter, Martin, Wilberforce, Charles, James, William, and Edward.
Just a quick update on Sarah and Tomboni… Sarah is a Muslim. She has a joyful disposition and seems to really enjoy her work. Tomboni is from the city of Gulu in the north and does not appear to have much knowledge about the Gospel. He is married with two daughters and is three days younger than me. We believe God has brought these two to us.
Thanks again for praying for our family. We have sensed your prayers! May God bless each of you this week as you live your lives for Him!
Nate (for Rhoda & the boys)