Thank you for upholding us in prayer these days. Yes, we have turned over a new leaf... the first malaria test. Judah had a high fever last evening and through the night. We kept it under control with medication so that he could sleep and I took him in to the clinic this morning. The blood test for malaria came back negative (praise the Lord!). They are actually analyzing stool samples for both boys as I write. Elijah was the first to get a bug three days ago with diarrhea and vomit. he stabilized, but is not feeling 100%. Rhoda had a quick bout that lasted only one night. So far I have been spared, which is OK with me! We are figuring that the boys picked up something while playing and passed it on to Rhoda. We hope to get an answer soon and some medication to clear it up for the boys.

The timing of all this was interesting with the pastors coming today. I was at the clinic early and made it home before they came. The meeting went well. They shared with me their vision for planting churches and training more leaders. They have a great vision and passion to spread the Word. We talked about how we want to characterized as a denomination that is given to prayer as we read of the early church in Acts 1:14. The meeting went well and I feel like I am getting to know the pastors more each time. We plan to meet again next Saturday. Thank you for praying for these meetings. I was also privileged to distribued 31 Luganda Bibles to the pastors who will be presenting them to their congregations. The Bibles were the result of a gift from one of our congregations there in the US. They were received with eagerness.
We plan to worship with the congregation in Jinja and then next week I will be joining Charles' congregation. The upcoming week will hopefully include a refrigerator and more furniture. We have two guest bedrooms that we will be furnishing before our first guests come mid-December (Ben, my brother, and Jesse Long). We are enjoying life very much these day. Each day typically involves several walks to Jinja on various errands (post office, super market, open market, internet cafe, etc.) I think I am losing a few insurance pounds! God bless each one of you. We love you all and are so thankful for your partnership with us.