I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
On behalf of all our congregations I thank you each and every one in the missions committee for your sincere prayers for the people who suffered a lot during the cyclone time. This is a disaster that ruined many villages of the State Andhra Pradesh. In which some of our AFLCI congregation members had a great loss.
During these suffering times your help is wonderful and people who got this help praised our Lord and appreciated your generosity. You have sowed Jesus love and compassion through your deeds.

This cyclone relief work sponsored by you in our area helped our AFLCI to be strengthened.
Once again thank you so much for your sincere prayers for our ministry. Indeed these are all your prayers that we are able to convey the Word of God to many people who have never heard – praise the Lord.
In Christ,
Rev. Dasari. Luther Sastry
AFLC of India.