Much planning went into getting ready for the ARCA Youth Camp during Carnaval.
Our 120-person facility was transformed into a place for 180!
Paul and the boys made extra tables, extra dorm rooms were improvised, we borrowed mattresses and chairs and rented a big tent to hold the whole group for the praise and teaching times.
Between downpours of rain we had a great camp with the theme TRANSFORMATION based on Rom. 12:2.
Our Free Lutheran youth joined with Joanna and Silvio’s Presbyterian church for this big 5-day event.
Andrew and Matthew dedicated many long hours to preparing a special video presentation for the opening of camp. They also were busy during camp (Matthew with the activities committee and Andrew with the multimedia group). It was fun to have Joanna as the praise leader and her husband Silvio as camp dean. Christina and Daniel were a part of the camp, too, each with special ministries. What a thrill it is for us to work with our kids in exalting Jesus and leading others into a personal relationship with Him!