The youth from Mazatlan came to this area to do some outreach in the camps. They put together a pretty nice program and showed a movie called “Mi Esperanza” (my hope) and testimonies from Mexican and Latinamerican celebrities, created by the Billy Graham Association. They had music, dramas and an altar call. There were several who came forward. We are waiting on Ismael to give us the information to go visit them and see the possibilities of discipleship.
On Sunday, the youth shared part of their program in the church in La Cruz. Tom and I were called to share our testimony of our call to missions. Some of the worship leaders were interested in coming again and meeting with Santos to encourage him and guide him as he is interested and preparing himself to lead worship at our church in Ceuta. Pray for the right timing for that meeting to happen.
I couldn’t assist the program in camp Ceuta because of lack of strength. I was still recovering from the bronquitis. But God allowed me to serve by opening my home and allowing them to come and eat and share a time of singing and debriefing of their experience.

We also experienced God’s intervention during the morning before their presentation. Tom was in charge of bringing the sound system (given to us by Minnesota Valley Church). The truck would not start. We called around for other possibilities and knew something would work out. But we asked for back up prayer and Tom went to look for a mechanic. The mechanic was able to come, figure out what was wrong with the truck and fix it by 2:00 p.m. Just in time for Tom to grab a bite to eat, take a break and get ready to go. God is good!
The girl in the black shirt is Pastor Lupe’s daughter, Anahansi. She feels a strong call into missions and is currently looking into the Mexican YWAM (JUCUM). She would like to reach to other youth. Pray for her, would you?
Tom and Lidia Lumppio are AFLC members serving in Mexico with World Mission Prayer League.