Many of you are aware that for the past four years in the fall of the year I have spent 7-10 days at Gettysburg Seminary in
Gettysburg is the first Lutheran Seminary in the
USA. I have gained permission to use materials in their Historical Archives about the beginnings of Lutheran Missions. One missionary of great interest to me has been John Frederick Heyer also referred to by many as Christian Frederick Heyer. Heyer was the first foreign Missionary, of any denomination to go to a foreign field from the
United States. He came to this part of
India when in his 50’s and he retired in his early 80’s. So much of the protestant work in this area of
India is a result of his prayers, devotion, and ministry. He is still referred to reverently by many here in
India as ”FATHER HEYER”. (He is what I would call a decent German – Pastor Robert Lee at AFLC will explain) It has been my joy to sit in the Gettysburg Library and read Father Heyers letters and reports back from the field.
Pastor Luther Sastry, the director of the work of the AFLC-India has established a friendship with the pastor of the large Lutheran Church here in Chirala. Last week he, Pastor Stalin came to visit us and we had a good time of fellowship. He extend to me the offer to come and preach in his church, St Marks Lutheran Church, Chirala, also know as Heyers Church. Father Heyer began the Christian out reach in this area and was responsible for the beginnings of the congregation known as St. Marks.
The service was a spiritual high for me as I made the connection with the historic church in that place. The first service began at 7:15 am. and was followed by a communion service. The church was filled with some 700 worshipers. As the first service concluded and people left, others were coming in for the start of the second service which was worship followed by communion. The second service had about 400 worshipers. When the second service ended it was 1:10 pm. I must admit I was a little tired. For both services I preached on their Gospel text from the day in John 8:21 -30. I focused on the 24th verse where Jesus says: “Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.”. It was a tremendous privilege for me to share Gods Word in that place and setting. Please pray with me that God will bless the sharing of HIS Word, to HIS Honor and HIS Glory.
Thank you for all who have prayed with me and for me.
Gene Enderlein