Greetings from
Europe to all of you.
THANK YOU SO MUCH to you who emailed us, encouraged us and prayed for us during these last couple of days! We definitely felt God’s presence and help during our last days and hours in Minneapolis. It was not easy to go through our house one last time, to hug our closest friends not knowing when the next hug will be, to leave and know that for the next couple of months we will be “homeless” (before we find our own apartment in L’viv)… But at the same time we were and are really eager for what is next in our lives. Right now we are in Prague, Czech Republic (with Miriam’s sister) but tomorrow we will already be in Odessa, Ukraine. We should be in Prague again on the 18th. We will get to see our parents then!
We got a Czech cell phone. Our number is +420-774-239-667. It is a little more expensive to call European cell phones, compared to European landlines. But you can send us short emails (up to 140 characters) to this address chmiel@vodafonemail.cz and we will get them as text messages on our phone. And that is free for both you and us! We will be able to read your messages even when we are in Ukraine. If we are not online we will not be able to respond right away but it would still be great to hear from you this way!
Keep in touch, Tomasz and Miriam