I do want to tell you that the people here are amazing. We have had many encounters with people here. People that we have gotten to know, as well as meeting people on the street. They are used to seeing 'white' people all the time. They are not used of hearing a mzungu (white person who is rich) speak their native tongue. When I greet them in their language, a HUGE smile comes across their face, and they are quite delighted. To know that the mzungu took time to learn their language is considered a big treat and an honorable thing. After I greet them, we talk english. I can understand them for the most part, but there are moments where that is difficult.
Every Saturday, Nate has a meeting with the other 7 Lutheran pastors here. We will meet this morning. They do a Bible study together, fellowship, and have lunch. I have met 3 of the pastors, and they are very kind. One of them, named Martin is especially a man after God's heart. His heart is to 'make disciples' and see the Kingdom of God grow that way. Kelly and I will be traveling back with him to his village of Kiboyo. We will stay there tonight. He is very excited to have us come and meet his people. He wants to take us from house to house, or hut to hut to greet the people. Having a mzungu come and visit is a big deal. Pray for us as we travel to the village this afternoon. By the time you may be reading this email. we will probably already be there, or have been there already.
Again, there is so much to say already in the short time we have been here. The people of Uganda have made this trip what it is. Interacting with them is such a joy! I have found the only difference between us and them is culture. They have the same issues we do. They deal with the same spiritual battles we do. Their heart for ministry is the same as ours. God's work is the same here. It has been a joy to see that and be a part of that.
Spending time with the Jores has also been a REAL joy. We have discipled them into the "Settlers of Catan" family. they are hooked! The weather has been great, about 80-90 during the day, and as low as 65-72 in the night time, almost perfect conditions.
I will be honest, I do not miss home. however, I do not want to move here. When the time comes to go home, we will be ready. I really love it here, and could see how I could get used to this part of the world.
Thanks for your prayers. We appreciate them much!
In Jinja, Uganda - Africa,
Daniel & Kelly
Note: Dan is the Youth Pastor at Christ is Lord Free Lutheran Church in La Crosse, WI.