THANK YOU so much to all of you who prayed for us, emailed us, sent us text messages to our cell phone and encouraged us in many different ways during our time in
When we were in L’viv, it was great that we were able to connect with many people from the local congregation there. We were able to meet with the church council, be part of their Friday night Bible Study, see their confirmation class, be at the Sunday Worship service etc. Tomasz even got a chance to help Pastor serve Communion on Sunday which was an interesting experience as it was all done in Russian plus a lot of the customs were quite different from what we are used to from the AFLC. But we enjoyed the congregation and we are eager to start our ministry alongside these brothers and sisters. If you would like to see and read more about our days in L‘viv (including how we found a “pepperoni” pizza :) ) go to: http://www.chmiels.com/gallery/lviv
If you would like to know more, please ASK! You can email us at chmiel@eemn.org or send a short email to chmiel@vodafonemail.cz and we will get that as a text message on our cell phone. As we have already said many times we LOVE it when we hear from you! And we will try to write back too. We did not have good internet access when we were in
God bless you! Keep in touch!