Note: If you haven't read,
"National Pastor in India having Heart Surgery" you may want to, it will give you the background for this story.
He and his party have returned,…… no surgery having been performed.
The hospital (private) is located in the city of Tirupatti and it has received grants from a group by the same name. “Tirupatti” (TTD) is a core Hindu association which has provided funding for heart surgery for the poor.
Upon his arrival at the hospital Pastor Prabhudas was informed that they are not doing heart surgery because of the dangers involved and that there have been those who have died as a result. He was told that he should check back in a month as things might change by then.
In pursuing what happened, and what brought about the change, the “Tirupatti” connection came to light. Tirupatti has provided funds to the hospital for free heart surgery to Hindus.
Further inquiry about the issue brought out the fact that recent visitors (2) from New Zealand stopped at the hospital and inquired about the cost of Pastor Prabhudas’ surgery.
Two weeks ago Dr. Anand (our AFLC-India doctor) came here with the two (2) visitors from New Zealand. One had been here last year to visit Dr. Kumars ministry and to learn more about his foundation. They wished to learn how they could support his work and possibly arrange to send medical supplies from New Zealand. Their total time in India was about 10 days as visitors of Dr. Anand Kumars medical ministry. After being in this area for a couple of days and travelling with Dr. Kumar, including a trip to the fishing village where they learned of the pending surgery of Pastor Prabhudas. They then travelled with Anand to his work in East Central India. It was while there that they visited the hospital in Tirupatti and inquired of the cost for Pastor Prabhudas’ surgery.
Officials at the hospital told Pastor Prabhudas that he had no need as there were foreigners who where providing him funds.
Needless to say Pastor Prabhudas was very disappointed. Their current plans are now to pursue the needed surgery at the government hospital in Hydrabad. This was were some of the preliminary examinations and test were done.
Pray for clear leading for this brother and that the doors for the needed surgery will be opened in Hydrabad .
God’s Blessing on you all,
Gene Enderlein
Could we ask our friends all over the world to pray for Pastor Prabhudas?