Ben and I are doing well and looking forward to actually being able to rest for a couple of the days of our Easter break. Requests for village visits with students are never ending. In fact, we have no more weekends available until September or October. This is partly due to the fact that we are going to
Uganda in June/July and then I am making that trip to the States, but the fact remains.
This coming weekend, following finals this week, we will go with several of the students for an extended weekend of village ministry during which we will visit three different villages. We plan to be back home on Monday but will then leave again on Thursday to participate in a large, district youth conference. We have been asked to bring our video equipment and also teach on the book of Romans. They are expecting 1000 youth. Unfortunately, we will need to return home already on Friday afternoon as we will be leaving Mbulu early Saturday morning to go to Arusha. This will be the official beginning of Easter break for Ben and I.
Christy Harris from Atonement (yes, my Atonement in Arlington) has been studying Swahili in southern Tanzania and will be passing through Arusha on her way to Kenya/Uganda at that same time. So, the plan is to meet up with her in Arusha for Easter. It will be fun to see someone from home during those days. The following week we have nothing scheduled except taking it easy!! We are very excited about that! We will return to Mbulu on the 14th or 15th (one week after Easter) and the third term will start on the 16th. From that point, every weekend of April, May, and June have been booked except two – one half-way through just so we can have a break, and one right before graduation.
We continue to need and appreciate your prayers. Please pray especially for these days leading up to Easter. They promise to be challenging in many ways and we really want to finish strong. Praise God for Ben who turned 24 yesterday (March 25th)!! I continue to feel so blessed to be here with him (his email address is ben_jore@kastanet.org if you want to send him a note).
Thank you for your prayers for my sister’s fiancĂ©. By way of correction, Dary was actually shot in Iraq, not Afghanistan. As far as I know, he continues to improve but there is still need for prayer. To be honest, staying updated is a little bit of a challenge for me due to my limited internet access and poor cell phone reception. If you want to get more info on how he and Anna are doing, you can email my parents at ricknbarb@thelonghome.com.
God bless you all!!
In Christ,
PS – Check out www.benandjesse.blogspot.com for most recent pictures.