Many of you have asked about the lady that helps to clean our home, since we had asked you to pray for her salvation a few months ago. We have wonderful news! She accepted the Lord as her Savior about a month ago. Thank you for your prayers! Please pray that she will grow strong in her faith and that she will grow in her love for the Lord. Her family does not yet know that she is saved because they are Muslims and she knows they will turn their back on her if they find out. Please pray for wisdom for Rhoda as she interacts with Sarah daily and answers her many questions.
Thanks again for your prayers for our family and for the work here. Please remember our friends Daniel and Kelly Keinanen as they will be traveling to visit us from March 12-23.
We are also beginning to plan for a Jesus Film campaign that will take place late June to July, Lord willing.
We thank the Lord for good health in the midst of much malaria around us.
May the Lord bless you and keep you,
Nate, Rhoda, Elijah, and Judah