This past week there has been a preaching service most nights. On Tuesday evening we had an Evangelistic Service in a poorer village called “Gandhinagar”. This was held in the open with the people seated on mats on the ground and the porch of a small civic building used as a platform. There were between 300 and 400 people in attendance.
Afterwards there were many people who came forward, many asking for various things. Many young people asking for prayers as they sit this week and next for their government exams. Their future opportunities are dependent upon how they do in these exams.
The following night, Wednesday we were in the village of “Paathur” which is near to the city of “Magalagiri” (They are all pronounced like they are written, pronounce every letter). There were some 600 people there under three pavilions (open sided tents)end to end. For a time I preached to the many who were outside the tents and outside the lights, standing in the shadows. Pray for the many who do come to these meetings who do not have faith but they still come to listen. It is such a challenge to see God at work in the hearts and lives of these people. Again many people came for prayer at the end of the service. I remember a young girl who had as her request that God would give her the ability to memorize all of His Scripture…..Awesome!…..Amen.
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Sincerely in Christ’s Service
GENE Enderlein
“Let us finish our course with joy, and complete the ministry the Lord Jesus has given us, ‘to testify the Gospel of the Grace of God.’” Acts 20:24