Friday, May 23, 2008

Darwin Jackson's Serving in Mexico

The following are a couple of excerpts from Darwin Jackson's current prayer letter.  To receive the prayer letter by email click here and request it.

"True prayer is measured by weight, not by length. A single groan before God may have more fullness of prayer in it than a fine oration of great length." (See John 11:33) C. H. Spurgeon

We were very encouraged by a young man named Antonio who we shared the Gospel with several weeks ago. He said his boss is a Christian and had been sharing with him. We gave him a Gospel of John along with a short study. We visited him again last Sunday and he had finished half of the book and study.

I gave Jose Luis a ride to the recycle yard because he was hitchhiking. This gave me the opportunity to speak to him about his relationship with the Lord Jesus. He said he was a good person, just smokes pot. I have his address, pray for a divine apt.