Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Border Crossings - Schierkolk

“He that prays and does not faint will come to recognize that to talk with God is more than to have all prayers granted . . . that it is the end of all prayer."

-George MacDonald

Border Crossings Dear friends,
Greetings from Mexico! We wanted to send along a few
pictures from Christmas time in the Kid’s Clubs. We gave almost 100 quilts away both in the clubs and at the outreach
Christmas service at church. They were greatly appreciated by both the kids and the moms. Several churches helped us out with gifts for the kids. We packed up shoebox-type gifts (in a plastic bag).  Each one had an Arch Book Bible story book, a small toy, school supplies, a toothbrush and toothpaste. We also experienced a “first” after Christmas. Normally the attendance at the clubs drops significantly after Christmas mostly because of pressure in the community, but this year it actually . . .

To read the entire newsletter click here.