Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Living to See All Saved

“Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell." ~ C.T. Studd

image Are you longing for the salvation of the lost souls around you?

Some people may have the call to journey to far away countries like India, Africa, Mexico, or Brazil, but many people will stay right where they’re at in life. No matter the situation, all Christians are called to missions. Everyday we encounter people in our lives that are lost and in need of the transforming power of Jesus Christ yet we often times just sit by and take no action!

We may talk with them about the latest sporting news, the best cooking tips, or what the best shows on TV are but when it comes to talking with them about eternity we often shy away or avoid the subject completely. We find the time to make small talk about things that won’t make a difference in people’s lives down the road but never seem to get around to talking about what will make an impact on someone’s eternity!

As Christians, we need to wake up to the realization that millions around us are blind to any notion of the saving power of Christ! They are going to hell, some of them without ever actually hearing the promise of salvation. What makes the scenario worse is that we as Christians are letting them! We sit by, never reaching out to people, while Satan is gladly watching our feelings of contentment and complacency.

Sadly, many times today we as Christians are our own worst enemies. Satan doesn’t need to distract us or discourage us in sharing the gospel because we lack even the desire or heart for the lost. How can we truly call those around us our “friends” if we don’t care first and foremost about their eternal wellbeing?

BARNA research reports that only 2% of Christians share their faith on a regular basis… Does this sound like the book of Acts, Paul, or Peter to you? No way! Where have we gone that sharing the gospel with even one person a year seems like such a lofty goal that we have to put it as a New Year’s Resolution?

Therefore, let us all as Christians push forward for the salvation of those that are perishing! God’s will and desire is for “all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). So let’s live in the will of our Lord Jesus Christ and reach those in this world that are perishing! For our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ “came that they may have life and have it abundantly! (John 10:10)

Keep the faith; just don’t keep it to yourself!

Nathan Olson & Jon Nelson