Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Jacob O’Flanagan–Brazil

Jacob O’Flanagan is an AFLC Short Term Missions Assistant working in Brazil

Jacob editedIt's been a little while since my last update but things have been going well here in southern Brazil. The past few weeks I have mainly been working with the grounds keeping at the Seminary and Bible school campus here in Campo Mourao.  So far I have been doing everything from raking, to working in the garden, to cleaning the walks around campus. Edival, who is the guy that I am working with here at school has been happy with the work I have been doing and I have had energy to do the work set out before me.

I've been back to Maringa to have Thanksgiving Dinner with the Abel Family which was delicious. I found out yesterday that I will be spending the holidays in Curitiba, the capital city of this state. So I am looking forward to and preparing for that.

We have had a couple of camps here over the past couple weeks which help the school out financially, and the buildings aren't being used for much else anyway since it's summer here and school is out.

I have been able to learn a little more and more Portuguese every day and am able to exist in a completely Portuguese speaking environment.  Last but certainly not least I have been able to make good connections with the people here even with the language difference.

Thank God for all of these things, and I ask for continued prayer in all of these areas.

Thank you all,
