Monday, October 10, 2011

Thoughts on Eternity

imageDear friends,
We've really enjoyed getting to visit with many friends and making new ones as we have traveled over these last few months sharing about the ministry in Mexico.  The two young girls whose mother recently died continue to be doing well for which we are so grateful to God.   This past week we were in North Dakota visiting several churches and hearing about all the changes in some of the cities in the western part of the state because of the oil rush.  We heard about the traffic congestion and lots of big trucks on the roads.  And then as we were heading back to Valley City on the highway between Jamestown and Minot  . . . all of a sudden we came upon a van on the side of the road that just burst into flames as we slowed down hard to a stop.  It couldn't have been more than 30 seconds before we drove up that there was a terrible head-on collision.  It was a desparately helpless feeling that Barb, Megan and I had along with a number of others who continued to stop as several men tried to get the unconscious driver in the burning van out to no avail.   The other minivan in the accident was badly damaged but the dear elderly lady in the passenger seat was amazingly alive.  I opened the door and held her hand while it rained lightly; and talked to her about the Prince of Peace and her family until First Responders arrived.  I don't believe her husband survived.

It's hard not to think about eternity and how, in the blink of an eye, our destinies are sealed and we either meet Christ or face a Christ-less eternity.  It was rather sobering to think of how close we ourselves came to being in the accident.  We're so grateful for God's travel mercies to us today and we are so thank for all those who continue to pray for us and our safety even as we travel during this time of deputation; so grateful for so many who have helped us over the years to take the life-giving Word of God to people in Mexico so they can face death with confidence and hope because of a Savior who conquered sin, death and the devil.   We continue to be prayerfully planning on going back to Mexico by next September and we would greatly appreciate your prayers for Mexico and her leaders as they battle the violence there.  Please continue to pray for our church in Jerez, that the Spirit of God would glorify His name during this time and cause them to grow in faith and unity in Christ.  And please pray with us for the families of the two who died today in the terrible accident and for God's healing of the one survivor; that their hearts would be comforted at the cross.

Todd and Barb Schierkolk
Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico