Friday, April 13, 2012

Love Poured Out–April Newsletter from Jonni

Carnival is over; for most BraziliJonnians that means 11 and a 1/2 months to the next big party, but for us the celebration has just begun. We have entered the Lenten season and are setting our eyes on the love of God poured out for us. During this precious time of year we are able to consider the depths of our own needs and the amazing provision of God’s grace and mercy. 

Last month you met eight young people, residents of the Miriam Home. Since then six others have arrived, of which only one is still here. The Miriam Home is sort of like Minnesotan weather - always changing! Having a part in the lives of the children that pass through this home is a constant reminder of our dependence on the grace and mercy of the living God. Let me give you an example: three girls who spent just two days here last month.
Even though Campo Mourao is a relatively small city by Brazilian standards, there is a high crime rate, with many deaths (both homicides and suicides) of very young people involved with drugs and gangs. Two weeks ago two young girls were killed and three others ran for their lives. The three survivors (13, 15 and 17 years old) were brought to the Miriam Home, accompanied by a police escort. The gang the girls were involved with had already made known their intentions towards the witnesses and the juvenile authorities scrambled to find a safe place for them outside of Campo Mourao. While the authorities looked for alternatives we tried to comfort and minister to these frightened young women. As amazing as it might sound, one of our biggest challenges was just keeping the girls here. Knowing that there were people looking for them, to do them harm, the girls still did everything they could to sneak away. The desire to smoke, be with their boyfriends and do what they wanted was stronger than their fear. They couldn’t see that the risk they ran was the consequence of the lives they were leading; they didn’t have any understanding of the value of their precious young lives. 

With the help of the police escorts (who stayed with us the whole time the girls did—48 hours, we were able to keep the girls safe until they could be moved. And more than a physically safe place to be, the girls heard words of hope and life.  Please pray that the seeds planted in those 48 short hours will be watered, grow and bear fruit. Please pray the Rubi, Taina and Camila will find real life in Jesus Christ. During these days, more than any others I am so aware of how far the Father goes to reach His lost little ones!

Editor’s note:  Jonni has so much more to share.  Please click here to read her entire newsletter.