Friday, May 11, 2012

A Bouquet of Grace

The following Missions Devotional for May was written by Craig Wentzel:

One of the most encouraging moments I remember was at Galilee Family Camp a few years ago. It happened that our wedding anniversary fell during that week and on our anniversary, during the evening service, Lyle Mattson, the assistant dean, called Barb & I forward. He then presented us with an arrangement of flowers that our daughter, Abby, had sent to the camp. It was very encouraging to have that occasion remembered in the midst of a busy week!

Flowers cheer us up! People often give flowers at sad or difficult times like death or illness or farewells in order to make the hurting person feel better.

I came across an interesting story in 2 Chronicles 28, that I hadn’t noticed before that I think we could describe as God giving a SPIRITUAL “bouquet” to His people…a “bouquet” of GRACE instead of flowers!

I noticed 3 things about God giving this spiritual “bouquet”:

1) First, God’s people were going through a very difficult time!

It was a time of God’s judgment for their king’s, and THEIR, sins. King Ahaz didn’t follow the spiritual heritage of his father, King David, but rather copied the wicked ways of the northern kings who had rejected the true God for idols (v.1-2a). He had made gods of his own to worship (v.2b) and burned incense (offered prayers) (v.3a), and sacrificed his sons (v.3b), to false gods and every other god that came along (v.4). Together, he and his people had forsaken the God of their fathers (v.6b). They were very unfaithful to the Lord (v.19).

It was also a time of great loss. Because of God’s judgment, they had lost many people as captives and casualties of war (v.5); important leaders (v.7) [the country’s next leader, the ruler of the King’s house, & the 2nd in command to the king); their families (v.8a); and a great deal of their wealth (v.8b).

It was a time of hopelessness in that their families had been taken away as captives to face an endless slavery.

Are YOU facing some difficult situation today?

2) Secondly, God sent a “bouquet” of grace to them!

These “flowers” of grace were delivered to their situation, at their lowest point, as their wives and children were brought into their enemies’ capital city (v.8). God’s “delivery boy” was Oded, His spokesman (v.9a). The individual “flowers” of grace were: God’s Word to their situation (v.9-11); salvation from permanent slavery (v.12-14); satisfaction of their physical needs of food, drink and clothing (v.15a); the anointing of oil (v.15b); and guidance and restoration to their homes and families (v.15c).

God also sends a “bouquet” of grace OUR way if we watch for it! He sends His Word (written or spoken) to OUR affliction as He says in Ps. 119:92:

“If your law had not been my delight, then I would have perished in my affliction.”

Jesus is a “Flower” of salvation to us in being our escape from permanent slavery in hell forever! John 10:9 promises:

“ ‘I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.’”

The Lord will meet our physical needs. Phil. 4:17 promises us:

“My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

He will give us spiritual refreshment through the Holy Spirit. Jn. 14:27 says:

“’Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; bit as the world gives do I give to you…”

He will guide us to satisfaction and fulfillment. Ps. 36:8 says:

“They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; and You give them to drink of the river of Your delights.”

Have YOU gotten any “flowers” of grace from the Lord lately?

3) Thirdly, we have a choice of how to respond to God’s “flowers” of grace!

King Ahaz rejected God’s “flowers” of grace in his trouble. He chose another deliverer, the kings of Assyria, to run to (v.16-21). He got farther and farther from God after that (v.22-25)! He ended up destroying the utensils of God’s house and closing it’s doors! He closed himself off from the Lord! Trouble can either drive us TO God or AWAY from God. Ahaz did not accept God’s “bouquet” of grace. What will YOU do with God’s kindnesses towards YOU today?...