Thursday, November 07, 2013

Angel At My Door

Real live Angel!It's Thursday afternoon and someone is knocking at our door . . . as it seems they do every Thursday.  I open the door to look outside and see who it is and then I call up to Barb and Kirstie,  "Barb, there's an angel at the door!"  

Angel, as in Mike Angel (as in Michelangelo), is a 2nd grade boy who is literally obsessed with Jesus and His death on the cross.  He wants to know if we have the Archbook story of the passion of Christ yet.  "No, not yet, but it's coming."  Angel lives right behind us and we share part of the back wall.  I hear pounding with a hammer and another Thursday, there's Angel at the door again, this time with a couple pieces of wood with six nails pounded into it and a 2nd grade, Picasso-like (trying to be generous) ink drawing of Jesus on the cross.  "It's for you," he says.  Angel can't read yet but in lieu of the Archbook that hadn't arrived yet we gave him a paper-back children's cartoon Bible.  His grandma covered the binding and front and back covers in plastic to protect it and Angel brings it to Kid's Club every week . . . until he lost it.  Then the knock on Thursday afternoon before Kid's Club brought with it a very disappointed Angel who wondered if he had left it in the garage.  "No, Angel, it isn't here."  We prayed with him about it . . . nothing.  A couple weeks later it came to my heart again and I brought it up with the Lord and then the Thursday afternoon knock brought the great news that Angel found his Bible!  It had fallen behind his bed. 

The next Thursday, Angel looked like he was going to throw up in the middle of Kid's Club so I walked him around the corner to His house, praying with him that God would heal the tearful boy of the pain in his stomach.  After I dropped him off I went back to the club and then about 15 minutes later I see his face peeking around the garage door . . . he's better and wanted to come back!  It's Thursday afternoon again and any minute I'm expecting . . . an Angel at my door:)

Thanks so much for your prayers and the encouragement of your support of our ministry here in Mexico!

Blessings in Christ,

Todd and Barb Schierkolk

Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico