Saturday, December 30, 2006

Pastor Scott Guhl visits Mexico, by Darwin Jackson

"I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day."

Abraham Lincoln

Pastor Scott Guhl and brother Javier Fischer are with us for the week to investigate how their congregation (Vision of Glory Lutheran Church in Minneapolis) can come down and partner with us in ministry. They have partnered with us for some time in prayer and support, but are encouraged to take it one step further.

We now have a date for our first meeting to initiate a Sinaloa alliance of our congregations here in the state of Sinaloa. January 20th in Ceuta. Please keep this date and purpose before the Lord in prayer. We certainly don't have the wisdom to see this done without it.

Pray for my girls as they'll be alone for the next three days while were up in the camps.

The church in Rosario has a new family added to it. Actually there has been some restoration in some old relationships. They are very encouraged about this. Brother Ignacio continues to lead the congregation there. They really appreciate the prayers.

Thank you for "bending the knee" on our behalf. Your fellow workers,

Darwin, Mary Ann and Gracie Jackson