Monday, May 14, 2007

Update from Jesse Long

We took this picture during a recent weekend of ministry in the village of Donya. It is of the father of one of our students. I just thought you might enjoy how photogenic he is. It was one of those days we felt like we were living inside National Geographic.

Thank you for your prayers on my behalf as I was in Arusha. The week ended up going different than we had hoped but we were able to finally get the speaker fixed on Friday and still do Jesus Film showings in three different locations that weekend. We have been encouraged in a new way to pray that God would protect all our equipment and allow it to function well for a long time to come.

I would also like to ask prayer for a student of ours whose name is Paulo. I think I mentioned him to some of you a couple months ago because I was amazed that he was here at school even though his wife was at home having their fifth baby. Several weeks ago we actually had the opportunity to make a trip with Paulo to see his village, do a film showing at his church, and meet his family. We even got to hold his new little baby!! Well, on Tuesday morning this past week, Paulo came to our door to get some help with bus money to go home. He had just received a call from someone back in his village informing him that his new baby had just died. They said the baby was being spoon-fed milk by the mother and apparently it went down the “wrong pipe” causing it to stop breathing and ultimately pass away. Pray for all involved in the situation: siblings, parents, extended family, church members, and neighbors. It seemed like Paulo was taking it ok but I’m sure that when we saw him (within 15 minutes of getting the news) he had not even had time to comprehend the reality of the situation completely. We pray comfort for all and that God would somehow work good – as only He can – even through this bad situation.

Please continue to pray for all of our weekend ministry opportunities. It is often easy to get frustrated or to feel like there is no visible fruit, but we know there is – why else would the Enemy be trying to put up so many obstacles (equipment failures, competing groups, delayed transportation, etc.)? Furthermore, we received some wonderful encouragement during one of our most recent film showings. The student whose home congregation we were visiting explained that it was actually at a Jesus Film showing just like the one he was now helping to host that he had been saved! How exciting to see this man (who had stumbled in as a drunk those eight years ago) now standing before 750+ people to preach the Gospel! He will be returning as lay pastor of that church after his June 24th graduation here at Waama. God is working and building His Church…even in the most unexpected ways.

One final prayer request: Please pray that God would protect and even multiply the crops here at Waama. We have been receiving a lot of rain in recent days and at this point in the year rain can actually damage and even destroy the corn crop.

Thank you all for your faithfulness. May God continue to richly bless you as you serve Him in your assigned mission field.

In Him,
