Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gabriel Mercado

Dear friends and brothers in Christ Jesus,

Mexico - GabrielI write these words to personally give thanks for your financial and spiritual support and I also give thanks to God for everyone of you.

In a previous letter I shared about the mechanical problems of the pick up truck. During the months of May and June I could not use the pick-up, this time the problem was the differential. Once again in His providential care God supplied the funds to be able purchase a used one for $300.00. Thanks be to God who is able to meet our needs.

In the month of April we had visitors (5 people) from Partners in Missions who came to do some repair work on the church building. They were not able to do all that was needed to do and accomplished about 50%. There is still some work left to do but thanks be to God for these dear brothers and sisters who came and did what they were able to do in that short period of time.

In the spiritual life we continue doing all we can that is necessary: preaching every day, teaching from God's Word, sharing the Gospel in the community and praying for those in need. Please pray for us especially for my wife's health she is not doing so well but continues going forward with her labor of love for her Lord. My health is okay but my eyes are not so good for I have glaucoma and every day I have to put drops in the morning and evening.

I write this letter as we prepare to leave soon from Nogales to Obregon and I ask you to pray for us, for the work of the Lord in and around Obregon. I always thank God for your encouragement in the Lord's work in Mexico.

Your Brother and Sister in Christ, 

Gabriel and Virginia Mercado

1 Cor.9:16

Translated by Pastor Ted Kennedy